Key Benefits of Having a Reverse Osmosis System

Little child drinking from water tap

Filtering water is a great way to keep your water free from pollutants and ultimately protect your family’s overall health. One of the best ways to do so is by installing a reverse osmosis system as it can significantly reduce calcium and magnesium deposits. It also removes many more contaminants if the system is equipped…

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Top Reasons to Install a Water Softener

Water filter

Hard water is one of the leading causes of pipe and water heater degradation because of the sediment buildup it causes. On top of that, it can also cause a host of other issues that can be quite an inconvenience. That’s why it’s important to filter water to get rid of chemical compounds that cause…

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The Main Benefits of Installing a Water Softener

The Main Benefits of Installing a Water Softener

Water supplies in areas like Tempe, AZ, tend to be rich in mineral deposits. As a result, it can be particularly rough on plumbing systems. The good thing is that you can counter the effects of this so-called “hard water” with one simple trick: installing a water softener. If you’re still unsure about the merits…

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How the Reverse Osmosis System Works

How the Reverse Osmosis System Works

Reverse osmosis refers to a water purification process that uses a porous system to separate unwanted particles, ions, and impurities from water by applying pressure to a highly concentrated solution. During this process, the solvent passes through the membrane while the solute remains on the membrane. Water treatment using the reverse osmosis system goes through…

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Easy Steps: Choosing a Water Filtration System

Easy Steps: Choosing a Water Filtration System

Selecting a water filtration system can be a daunting task. This is because there are several models with unique benefits. So much so that it’s easy to be overwhelmed by option paralysis. Fortunately, Gold Star Plumbing and Drain has the experience and expertise to guide you through the entire process of selecting the best filtration…

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